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Results for "keyword: "character""
Birthday of George Washington (PDP) A tribute to the character of the first president of the United States.
Redesign A suggestion to reflect on your gifts, your deficits, and your goals.
A Boardinghouse of Characters A comparison of our psyche to the range of characters in a boardinghouse.
Character Development A practice to enhance one's character by examining the soul.
Loving Your Shadow Characters Spiritual practices for loving your shadow side.
Examine the Lies You Tell Yourself Reflecting on the impact of what you have fabricated.
Presidents' Day (PDP) Using the national holiday to assess our attitudes towards the presidency.
Write Your Own Obituary Living the way you want to be remembered.
Finding the Mid-Point Between Self-Effacement and Arrogance Advice on striking a balance in self-esteem.
Birthday of William Penn (PDP) Remembering the Quaker leader who was an ardent advocate of liberty and peace.